Honorary Presidents

2023 / 2027

The President represents the Federation. Learn what his functions are and who previous Presidents of IFBDO were.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making body and its sessions take place once a year, generally between March and May. Each active member has four votes which it allocates to its representatives present at the Assembly.
Executive Council
The Executive Council ensures the regular management and activities of the Federation, in liaison with the Continental Committee. It is empowered to take a stand at all times on behalf of the Federation and to watch over its reputation and the respect of its principles.
Continental Committee
In order to take account of the special nature of each country in the world, to improve its effectiveness and to facilitate relations with the official bodies and transfusion bodies, the IFBDO set up a decentralized structure on each continent called “Continental Committee”.
International Youth Committee
In consideration of the special nature of volunteerism of young people, to improve its effectiveness and to facilitate relations with the next generation of volunteers, the IFBDO instituted the “International Youth Committee”.
The Federation organizes a world congress at least every three years. The date and place are fixed by the General Assembly. The congress brings together, in particular, all Federation member organizations as well as bodies and personalities involved in blood donation and blood transfusion, but also international associations and movements militating in favor of solidarity and respect for the human being.
Control Commission
The General Assembly shall elect the three members of the Auditing Commission every three years. They shall belong to active member organizations, which shall put their names forward. Members of the Auditing Commission are not entitled to vote or t hold an elected office within the Executive Council. The Auditing Commission shall meet at least once a year in order: (1) to check whether the books are keep regularly. (2) to audit the accounts. A written report on their findings shall be prepared at the end of each financial year. This report shall be given to the President who shall forward it to the members of the Executive Council before the General Assembly meeting.