Latest News about FIODS / IFBDO
The hearth of Blood Donation is beating in Milan!
In the following days the 15th International Forum of Young Blood Donors from IFBDO/FIODS member countries will take...
8th IFBDO Seminar in Copenhagen
The IFBDO President, Mr Gian Franco Massaro, has been to Copenhagen for the celebration of the 8th IFBDO Seminar,...
7 International Seminary – Cuneo 13-06-15
IFBDO President Mr Gian Franco Massaro awarded the Doctor Dante De Berardinis
On May 13th, 2015, in Alba Adriatica, Abruzzo Region (Italy ), the IFBDO President awarded the internationally...
AVIS subscribes the Declaration of Brussel, “Pledge to Peace”
The aim of the Pledge to Peace Declaration is to create a network of private and public partners, who share a common...
6 Seminaire International – Dakar
Amsterdam 2015
Download DVNL booking sheet FIODS Amsterdam 2015 Hotel Booking SheetFIODS 2015 Amsterdam - FR Amsterdam - ES
Blood Donors of America
Hope you had a fulfilling 2014 and wish you all the best for the year ahead. 2014 was a very productive year for Blood...
The President of FIODS on an official visit to Tunis,19-20-21 January 2015
Last January 19 c.m., the President of FIODS, Gian Franco Massaro, welcomed at the Tunis-Carthage airport by the...