Latest News about FIODS / IFBDO
On April 30th, the IFBDO General Assembly took place at the public library of Lisbon. Representatives of 32 countries,...
IFBDO and WHO Collaboration Agreement Signature, Naples-18 March 2016
IFBDO and WHO Collaboration Agreement Signature March 18th, 2016, Naples (Italy) The IFBDO President, Mr Gian Franco...
Follow-up to the decision of the Economic and Social Council-13 April 2016
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The IFBDO President awards Doctor G.Arcaro and Mr Capitan A. Forciniti with the Cross of Merit
March 15th, 2016, Campobasso, in presence of Mr Spagnuolo, the IFBDO President awarded Doctor G.Arcaro and Mr Capitan...
PLUS meeting, Portugal – 14/15 January 2016
Blood and Plasma Regulations – Towards a revision of the EU Blood Directive: What is needed in a new Directive /...
60th Anniversary of the IFBDO
Last Friday, December 4th, in Montecarlo it was celebrated the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the IFBDO. An...
Official visit of the IFBDO President to Algeria-24/28 October 2015
October 24th- 28th, 2015 On the 24th, the President of the Algerian Blood Donor Federation, Dr Kaddour Gherbi,...
Official visit of the IFBDO President to Portugal
November 5th- 6th, 2015 Recently the President, Mr Gian Franco Massaro, went to Lisbon, were he met with the President...
The IFBDO President visits Albania
On October 20th, 2015, the IFBDO President, Mr. Gian Franco Massaro invited by the President of the Albanese...